-NEW Geissele MK16 Rail NSN marked 13.5" railNOTE: All new MK16 rails have the steel QD inserts - military is getting them as well)

-NEW Daniel Defense CHF 14.5 mid length barrel

-NEW pinned Daniel Defense gas block or pinned Geissele Super Gas block depending on availability - this is not a choice you will get either or (orders will not be canceled or returned based on gas block)

-NEW Colt upper Cerro Forge (no cage code)

-NEW PRI gas tube

For barrels shorter than 16in, ALL NFA RULES APPLY.

MFG Colt/Daniel Defnse/Geissele
MODEL 14.5" URGI/Block III Colt/Daniel Defense/Geissel
TITLE 14.5" URGI/Block III Colt/Daniel Defense/Geissele MK16

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