High temperature Rocksett all-purpose ceramic adhesive cement


  • Incredible temperature resistance, -350 degrees F up to 2,015 degrees F
  • Intended for use on threads an cylindrical assemblies 
  • In addition to acting as an adhesive, Rocksett acts vibration dampening material
  • Non-toxic, odorless, and non-flammable
  • Withstands oils, fuils, acids, and alkalis
  • Long shelf life
  • No mixing or priming required
  • Bonds ceramic, glass, and metals
  • Surfaces to be bonded should be dry and grease free


  • Extremely high temperature range makes Rocksett ideal for attaching muzzle devices
  • Several can manufacturers use Rocksett to ensure that muzzle devices to not loosen when used in conjunction with a can


MFG SureFire
MODEL SureFire - Rocksett
TITLE SureFire - Rocksett

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